djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


New York Recap #2

Finally got around to remembering some things about the NYC trip. Aside from running the video and sound back end for iTG at the gig most of the event (no, no broadcasting for RoME at this event), I also spent lots of time getting to know lots of high profile gamers that I haven't met before.

This first picture is the table we had on the last night of the trip; lots of european UT players are at that table, the first one I met was iTG's own ReDeYe. He's a great guy, very committed to broadcasting, and couldn't have made a better roommate for me during the trip. I knew instantly that he was the best roommate possible when I popped into the room for the first time and he was sitting there with a cig in his mouth. YAY! Smoking in the room!

Event setup was a bit overwhelming at first, as iTG has alot better equipment than I'm used to a shoutcast crew having. After the setup was complete I realized that it wasn't as complicated as I was telling myself in the beginning. I could set it all up myself now after working with it all weekend.

SyN (middle, 2nd pic) and I spent lots of time in the hotel bar, among other bars. Also got to meet another great guy, Alien (far right, 2nd pic), who was from Nebraska and had the same rugged taste in bar scenes and beer as me. Needless to say, we were like peas and carrots. God bless Yueng Ling.

Also got to meet some ladies at this event (yes girls in fact do like to game), and since I had never met "gamer girls" before I found this very intriguing. One of the five nights there we had a great ride in a horsedrawn carriage and just were generally zany. Tex and SyN were there too; it was one of the funnest rides of the weekend. Plug here for the girlz 0f destruction and their two leaders, missy (left) and Ms.X (right). I couldn't have hoped for cooler or more sexy gamer girls than those to be around. Ms.X took the photos in this post, so please make sure she knows if you take them.

Can you guess which one (or more) of these pictures is me pretty toasty? Bet a 5 year old could... This one is a pic of me back at my hotel room after I tried to disappear from the bar at 5:30am... I got all ready for bed, had my beer pants on, and was almost under the covers when I heard the knock on the door. It was time for a few more beers!!! 7:30am rolled around before I finally got any real shut eye. To the airport shuttle at 9:30am!

More later as the haze clears. Q4 review coming, as well as a review of my brand new shiny GeForce 6800GT OC!!!


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