djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


Who is this Cori Yarckin?

With every passing day I remind myself how much I'm supposed to hate pop music. I keep telling myself that grunge metal is the only non-acoustic stuff worth listening to, and everyone that listens to other stuff is just a jackass. Girls like Avril Lavigne definitely help me give pop music a chance... Random internet musings today unearthed another girl who is using the same formula to achieve stardom:

Enter Cori Yarckin. Yes, she's crazy hot. Yes, it's ok for me to say that because she's 20. Yes, it's ok for me to listen to her music as long as I don't remember the words and I keep staring at her picture with lust in my heart.

Before anyone starts bitching about her name, think about who she is emulating anyway, A-V-R-I-L   L-A-V-I-G-N-E. Nobody can spell it (I had to Google it to make sure I had it right), but everyone knows who she is. None the less, Cori's name definitely screams, "I'm CANADIAN EH!" She's got a nice voice, and it's sort of metal-ish pop music, so I have an excuse to say that I like this completely forced and contrived pop rip off band (of course I show my hostility for the business end of Cori's motivation). Then again I'm sure Cori's whole act is someone else's idea and Cori is just investing her time into getting her 15 minutes on MTV and a large pocketbook. It's a rather good plan in this day and age, and probably the best form of the American Dream there is.

Here is an exerpt from one of her songs, purchase her album here.


Her shameless biting of familiar formulas to achieve stardom won't make me feel bad for what I'm about to say. She's hot, and she's better than Avril Lavigne because she's a brunette. Obviously I'm a brunette man. Her music is just as good as Avril's, and she looks better. Is there room for another girl rock band? She can play my concert hall anytime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She sounds more like Natalie Imbruglia (musically) than Avril Lavigne. But, thats a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

3:13 AM

Blogger Rance Costa said...

i dig her style

1:15 AM


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