djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


New Hard Drives!

Continuing my seemly benge-like spending spree, I have purchased two Maxtor DiamondMax 10 200GB 3.5" Serial ATA150 Hard Drives. I got them from a local retailer for $99, but newegg does them online for $85. It was worth the $14 for zero wait. Plus, I got the retail version which included two SATA/IDE controller cards. Not sure what I'm going to do with those things, they'll probably just gather dust in the boxes.

What prompted me to make this change? Well I've been meaning to upgrade my HDDs every since I purchased the AMD 64 3200+, MSI Neo2 Platinum Motherboard, and Corsair XMS-XL Super Low Latency RAM (it's a shame when you spend the most money on the RAM but OMG FAST KTHX). Until today this machine was running a RAID-0 of two Maxtor 30GB ATA-133 Drives. I began getting sporadic Blue Screens after the computer was on for any extended period. After checking Google searches of my exact BSOD errors, I noticed that on about 75% of the computers, they had my exact HDDs.

Time to upgrade.

Anyways, I did and I'm happy! These drives are not quite as quiet at my 30GB ones, but the sound they make is barely audible over a computer with 4 fans in it. MaxBlast (Version 4 now) as usual was a charm and I installed and replaced the old drives with these in a matter of 30 mins, including copy time. I <3 Maxtor.

Old drives are going back to my old AMD K6-900 so it can hack Sat TV. I'll keep you posted about my BSODs in my next post.

Next part, VIDEO CARD!!!


Blogger Rance Costa said...

I've had relatively good luck with them, my original set of RAID-0 20GB HDDs lasted for about 4 years. These 30 giggers that I just took out should survive a bit longer methinks. We'll see how they behave in the AMD K6-900.

I've always had good luck with Maxtor, and they've always been the quietest ones I've heard.

If these 200GB drives don't last about 4 years, I will be experimenting with another brand, thats for sure. :)

7:40 AM


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