djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


Gorillaz: Demon Days CD Review

Gorillaz: Demon Days is one of the best new trip hop albums out. I'm more of a metalhead, but hearing Feel Good Inc. on the radio sent me promptly to Best Buy to buy this album.

GFG to the Gorillaz for bringing back the old reason to visit the CD store. I heard their song on the radio and liked it so much I wanted the whole album. These guys may just end up being the flavor of 2005 when it comes to the new trendy groups to listen to. Rather than download their album with the intention of buying and never getting around to purchase, I skipped the middle-man and bought the CD. It was a good decision.

The cover art is in the familiar fashion, also in their video. No pics of the musicians themselves, just the animated renditions of them. No lyrics in the album, but there's some cool pictures in the jacket. The CD itself looks cool, it's B&W silhouettes of the animated artists.

Of the Fifteen total tracks on the album, 14 of them are actual songs, and I absolutely love six of them. The other 8 are good also, just not standouts.

Last Living Soulz is a trippy chilled out video game track sounding song, with a heavy influence from Randy Newman of all people.

Dirty Harry is a track that should have been in the Kill Bill movies,

Feel Good Inc. will unfortunately be killed by the local radio stations playing this song 49302523 times a day. I still like it for now after hearing it 53 times on the radio driving home and 5 times in my CD player every day.

El Mañana is another nice trippy track. Great hook.

November Has Come is a track with much more hip hop "flava" to it, similar to the Black Sheep or Common.

Don't Get Lost in Heaven is one of the best grooves I've heard in years.


Overall this CD is one of the few albums that I'm proud to admit I actually purchased. So much of the music industry today is about mass producing generic bullshit, and it's good to get a breath of fresh air from the Gorillaz. BLING!


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