djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


Blankz of Inside the Game: I Hate Flying

Originally posted on Inside the Game's website by Blankz:

I hate flying. I absolutely despise it. It's a control thing, you know. It's that whole putting your life into someone else's hands. I'm psychotic when it comes to getting on a plane. I'll get into that chair, strap myself in and white-knuckle it up until I feel that slight sink just when the landing gear goes up and flaps return to 0%. After that I am fine until... yup, you guessed it, landing. I blame this traumatizing experience on the a$$hat pilot on my flight to Dallas, Texas a few years back. He called it the "Texas Buck." I called it “the sound of my life fading into a loud bursting explosion of goo.”

The reason I have to endure this experience? I, along with Wacksteven and newly appointed daddy, djWHEAT, am set to bring you live coverage of Blizzcon. The two day event in Anaheim, California that brings the world’s best StarCraft and WarCraft III players together for a 48-hour marathon of MMORPG action.

We will begin broadcasting Friday morning around 10:00 AM PST or so, and you can watch live video via the GGL Media Player.

I have to pack for my flight now and have a gut wrenching, pacing back n forth, worrying myself sick and wondering if I should really attempt to take a lighter on the flight night and half day tomorrow!


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