djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


EverLAN Winter 2006 is HERE!

Posted by Blankz on

Known for its mountainous terrain and fantastic skiing, Colorado may not be the first state the comes to mind when people talk about major LANs. That may be because EverLAN has been in temporary hibernation since Summer 2004. The hush has been lifted from this quiet mountain town and on January 20, 2006, the gamers will descend and make their mark once again. You guessed it... Inside the Game will be on hand to take you inside the action, the adventure, and the rebirth of a tradition.

Join us starting on the 20th as we traverse the perils of Counter-Strike: Source as the National Invitational Tournament makes its return. Also on the menu is Quake 4, Warcraft III, Unreal Tournament 2004, World of Warcraft and so much more that your head is probably already spinning. If you are within flying/driving/walking/tripping/spitting distance of Denver, Colorado, sign yourself up now and enjoy the fun in person.

For the rest of you, we'll have djWHEAT, DeeAy, RoME and SyN to take you out of the cold and Inside the Game. Join us onair and online (#radioitg on all major networks) throughout the upcoming weekend. More details will be provided as the event progresses. We are also pleased to be partnering with to provide detailed stats and score updates so no match will be left behind.


Tune in. Listen. Play.


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