djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


djRoME on Halo Zero

If you're looking for a free download that'll keep you busy for a few hours, try stopping by the Halo Zero website. You'll notice here that the website is touting about a free download of the game. Indeed it's true! If you step on over to the Halo Zero Forums, you'll notice a matchmaking forum for those who wish to play multiplayer on this title.

Halo Zero is an old school style 2D side scroller based on the story of Bungie's Halo video game. I managed to beat the entire single player in no time, but it was set on easy difficulty. All of the familiar weapons are in the game, and it translates extremely well to the 2D genre. This 2D game would have sucked plenty of my quarters up at the local arcade if it came out 10 years ago.

The interface is great, the game runs fabulously, and it's a great new way to look at Halo from an old schooler's perspective. Ho many of you guys knew that Bungie originally began development of Halo as an RTS game? Bet not. This old school style game spawns all kinds of interest in not only the history of video games, but Halo in particular. Good thing Halo landed as a first person game, cause it's the reason that Microsoft still has an XBOX console on the market.
Apparently this game has a multiplayer 2D scrolling mode that I havent tried yet, but if it's anything like the old 2D fighting games I've already played, I'm sure this game has plenty of replay value. Mad props to the devs of this little gem, it's definitely a great free download.

The website lists the required configuration as:
  • A 1ghz Processor
  • 256mb of RAM
  • 22mb free disk space
  • A mouse
  • A high speed internet connection

This is legit and old school, and I'm sure anyone that has a comp that can run Windows XP will have absolutely no problem running this game.


This game is perfect for those isntances that you'll shop at your favorite download site for something new. Pick this guy up, and you'll have hours of free fun on your hands.


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