djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


<3 Darren

I'm never known for having any sort of tact, and this is going to be no exception. There's no graceful way to make a post like this one, so I'm not going to try.

One of my colleagues @ iTG has taken early leave from...  well...  life.

Darren "lun" Webber was an avid motorcyclist in Dallas, TX, as well as a fellow iTG commentator.  I got to finally meet him this last trip to Dallas.  What a great guy.  I still owe him 15 bucks.

He's pretty much responsible for getting me in the door @ iTG, and for that I am thankful.

The strangest part of this life is, sometimes, that the last people on your list are the first to go.

Darren lost his life in a motorcycle accident whilst riding in Dallas on Sunday.  The details are vague at this point, not that I would post them anywhere anyway.

You can read about Darren on the Texas Sport Bike Association Forums here and here.  He was an extremely skilled rider and a member of the TSBA who rode frequently with them in organized outings.

GG lunatic, my heart aches.


Jmac Gets His Groove On

It's not often, but every once in a while you run across a story that just gets you.  This one got me big time.  Yes, it's work and school safe.  In fact, show this to your teacher.  It'll brighten their day too.

JMac gets his groove on.

For those of you that are still around HS or in HS and you know what an emotionally draining place it has become, that story just brightens it all up for you.


"He's Gay" Unleashed to the Internet!

Following the recent surge in interest in "internet" art, I have released my first piece in a genre some are calling, "funny shit."

© 2006 djRoME