djRoME is a computer gaming enthusiast who DJ's for Inside the Game, and is a staff writer for He travels to various computer related events across the country to bring coverage to his audience.


djRoME Releases 4:20

My first AVI project has culminated in one that ended with the video about 90% complete. Figures for a stoner project...

This AVI was the byproduct of me getting familiar with the video editing software, so there's an overwelming feeling of "over-production" in it, which is fine by me, since I had to fit all of the effects I could into 4:20 of time.

The vid is not work safe as it has some pretty obvious overtones, so be careful!

It's filmed in my first true love of a video game, Half Life: TFC and features my roommate and partner in crime, Bwater (hence the theme of the vid).

Enjoy my first AVI, and if you would like to have me create your AVI, contact me in IRC or via Radio iTG.


GGL Goes Hip-Hop!

(Feb. 15, 2006)

Promising to "change the face of sports and video gaming forever," entertainer Snoop Dogg today announced the formation of the Hip-Hop Gaming League, a new sports organization melding two of his favorite interests.

Speaking at a massive press conference in Hollywood, Snoop (real name Cordozar Calvin Broadus) said he was seeking "to end all rumors and speculation about the league," which has been in the works for some time. Athletes will compete against each other on Xbox 360, he said.

Snoop, who will act as the official Commissioner, said the initial regular season would run five weeks, followed by one week of playoffs. The HHGL will be open only to an A-list of musicians, athletes, producers and other
entertainers personally selected by him. Among the biggest names:

Method Man, Denver Nugget Carmelo Anthony, soccer’s Cobi Jones and Cincinnati Bengal Chad Johnson.


Q4 Map Overview: PHRANTIC

Published by RoME on

Phrantic is one of the favorite Q4 1v1 Duel maps in play right now. It certainly lives up to the meaning of it's name with it's extremely tactical and fast paced play style as well as bringing plenty of close quarters action into the picture. Today we will take a more in depth look at PHRANTIC, citing some easy strategies that many players use, we will time the spawns of the items, and we will show you four trick jumps on this map that will give you a bit of a headstart to superiority on PHRANTIC.

Map Notes:

Here's some notes from the author of the map, Rich "swelt" Jacques.

This is my first map for Quake4. This was originally a Q3 CPMA map which I made (nodm11/cpm24). I remade it for Doom 3, where the reaction was split between people that liked it for being like a Quake map and people that didn't like it for being like a Quake map. Perhaps in Quake 4, people will just like it :) Though the layout remains basically the same, each version has been tailored to suit the game. This version is no exception.

Weapons Available:

Probably the single most important aspect of PHRANTIC is the fact that it does not have a Rail Gun. This is great for emphasizing movement, tactics and positioning on the map rather than aim.

The Rocket Launcher (RL) and Lightning Gun (LG) are definitely the weapons of choice on this map, though there is also the Grenade Launcher (GL) as well as the HyperBlaster (HB) and Shotgun (SG) available to the competitors.

Armor Available:

Armor wise there are two Yellow Armors (YA) and one Red Armor (RA) available as well as shards in three different spots on the map.

Health bubbles are few and far between on this map compared to the armor, which gives a lot of importance to the 50 Health bubble located by the bridge in the main room. For the most part the rest of the health on the map is on the middle level. There are a few 25 Health Bubbles and a few 5 Health bubbles as well.

Common Strategies:

Strategy on this map is a bit difficult. After all, how can you possibly control a map that is this small with this many resources on it? I manage to control this map through timing the items, and knowing which items are more valuable to use as bait for my opponents.

I use that RA as bait most of the time as it is locked in a secluded area. There are only three exits to the RA room, and they all go through one choke point. Sometimes I'll stand mid level facing the RA entrance, and I can get a shot off at all three exits that my opponent would use after collecting the RA. If I'm in the RA room and trying to get out, all I can do is hope that my opponent does not have this position, and make him guess which exit I am going to take.

Another strategy is put to use when I'm near the upper YA when I'm not sure of my opponent's location. Many times I will stand facing the Teleport exit and spam the exit whilst waiting for the Upper YA to spawn. One problem with this strategy is the vision of the entire level is not available to me, so frequently I'll rotate standing on the upper YA spawn or jumping over to the Teleport exit platform facing the end of the long halls toward the lower YA. This gives a much better vision of the map, and allows me great mobility for when my opponent finally shows up. I also have lots of health available mid level just below the Teleport exit that can help me if I take a hit.

Timing the items is particularly hard on this level, as spawn times are fairly low and the map does indeed get very... erm... frantic. I sat down with a stopwatch and timed the spawns for most of the items on the map. Here's a breakdown of the spawn times of most of the items (may not be perfectly accurate, but here's what I timed in seconds):

All Armor: 25s
Ammo Boxes: 36s
50 Health Bubble: 36s
All Other Heath: 30s

Trick Jumps:

There are four trick jumps that I see players use during competition on this map. All of these trick jumps are relatively easy to execute, they just take practice.

The RA Room ramp jump is by far the most valuable trick jump on this map, and is a must know for all competitive players. This jump enables you to take the back door exit from the RA room without a rocket jump. Run toward the ramp exiting the RA room, ramp jump off of it onto the exit.

The Lower YA Ramp jump is the second most important trick jump on PHRANTIC. After collecting the lower YA, jump up to the angled wall, and execute a ramp jump up to the mid level. This is a great way to increase your mobility and timing on this map.

The third trick jump really isn't that important on this map, but jumps of the same type are huge on other levels. It's just a light jump from the RA spawn to the top of the ledge next to it. The reason I point this one out is that I want to remind all aspiring Q4 dynamos to keep their eyes peeled for possible trick jumps involving lights. This one in the RA room is definitely worth learning, it may come in handy one day.

The final trick jump is one up the edge of the stairs above the lower YA spawn to the hallway leading to the upper YA. This one is also extremely important, and not as well known to most players. The players that I see execute this jump well are the ones with control of both YA's most of the time. It helps you get to the upper YA very quickly, and increases your overall speed on the map tremendously. Learn this one or you'll end up getting owned by someone who knows it.

Good PHRANTIC Demos:

fox vs. Vo0
Ztrider vs. Cooller
Cooller vs. TooGoood

What Do the Players Think?

[K9-cl0ck] Ya, PHRANTIC is probably the best map out there right now. It's like a game of chess; you really have to out-think your opponent to win, more so than all the other maps. There are numerous different ways you can go about playing it all with positive outcomes. The best part about this map is that there is no Rail, so there are lots of close quarters fights which shows who the better player is at the end.

[iTG`ReDeYe] I love PHRANTIC, simply because without the Rail it forces players to be more tactical with their approach to each kill and puts high emphasis on prediction skill and learing spawns (for quick conversion frags). As a player my least favourite thing is the Lava (simply because falling into it means almost certain death, either from the lava or from the oncoming shaft that pins you down in it.

[b|d-DaHanG]...I think phrantic is ok, not a strong opinion on it. I don't like that the enemy can have the lead, and you get SSG spawn while he's got control of the map and it's really hard to take [the lead] back.

[megablaz0r`] PHRANTIC is OK. It's not a great map, but due to the lack of 'good' maps in Quake 4 we dont have much of a choice but to play it. My favorite aspect is that it's different than all of the other maps in terms of strategy, and my least favorite is the fact that a game there can be decided pretty much by the initial spawns. On lan if you get LG first you pretty much win if you know what youre doing. BLIPTOURNEY, PHRANTIC, and THE LOST FLEET will be the first maps to go and honestly i wouldnt mind seeing GALANG gone either. It's also the only map in play right now (assuming BLIPTOURNEY gets thrown out, and MONSOON stays in) without a Rail.


PHRANTIC is indeed my favorite map in most rotations right now, and it's most likely because I'm awful with the Rail Gun. Beyond that, I'm a fan of John Carmack's vision of simplicity and skill in games rather than heavy-handed, overly complex games in which the bullets don't always fly where the crosshair is pointing. PHRANTIC captures the amazing visceral experience that was always meant for the Quake franchise, speed, death, and strategy. While PHRANTIC is relatively easy to learn as a map, mastering the map will take alot of time. We will see a great evolution of gameplay on this map as seasons progress and competitions take place. Here's to more maps like PHRANTIC!


Movie Review: DOOM

Published by RoME on

To coincide with the February 7th DVD release date of the movie, DOOM, I have taken the time to review this DVD. Don't ask how I got my hands on it, cause I'm not telling!

I'll be honest with you: I did not think this movie had much of a chance. The game is not exactly known for its storyline and video games do not have the best track record in their conversion to movies. I hated the Resident Evil movies and of course Mortal Kombat from the 90’s was terrible. Excuse me if I came into this movie a little cynical about video game movies, but to my surprise, this turned out halfway decent.

It is not like they had much content to work with as far as the plot is concerned. As I said, the game is about shooting monsters that jump out of the darkness and opening doors only to find more monsters on the other side, so the source material is pretty weak-sauce. Basically, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson of WWE fame leads a team of Marines to the Red Planet after a distress call informs them that the team on Mars is in need of urgent help.

Apparently, a few years in the future a teleport system is discovered in some part of Nevada that transports its passengers to Mars. On the Olduvai Research Station, supposedly they are conducting archeological digs, finding a human “super species” on Mars. The Marines quickly find out that there is more to the story than is being told to them by scientists on the station.

The movie admittedly starts slow. There are few action sequences until about halfway through and the only thing keeping the movie dragging along are the plot elements, including the distress call coming from a doctor being attacked, the marines preparing for combat, reaching the station and walking around until they finally run into the monsters. I was wondering for the longest time if things would ever get exciting.

There is not a whole lot to it, but once the action gets started, the movie begins to pick up. If you were a fan of the first Resident Evil movie, you will probably like Doom as well. Like Resident Evil, Doom is loosely based on the game but remains loyal enough to where gamers should not be disappointed. Like I said, there is not much story to work with anyway, so reworking the Resident Evil movie’s plot with a more sophisticated crew of actors seems to work just fine. The actors pull off their roles well enough to make it believable.

As far as extras go, the Unrated Extended Edition has a few. First, you have the Basic Training, which shows how the acting crew trained for their roles with weapons and basic training. Rock Formation joins make-up artist Jeff Dawn as he applies prosthetic make-up on The Rock for the final fight. Master Monster Makers goes in-depth with the crew in charge of making the monsters from foam and rubber. Doom Nation is a documentary on the Doom franchise with interviews from John Carmack and Tim Willits of id. Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb of G4 fame are also featured. Finally, the final extra feature is the Doom 3 Xbox demo, which I didn't try because the only console I own is the PS2.

What do the players think?

(digismack) "The movie had it's ups and downs. Though, more downs than ups. It seems like they ran out of budget after making the set and hiring the Rock."

(Nokarot) "I couldn't smell what The Rock was cookin' :("

(]km[forn1x) "DOOM in and of itself was not a 'terrible' movie, I have definately seen worse. It was 'interesting,' if i were to use a particular word to describe it. Ewe Boll, or however you spell it, is notorious for taking video games, twisting the plot for a more mainstream audience, but leaving enough to somewhat satisfy that of the game's following. This is exactly what he did with DOOM. DOOM did, however, have an interesting notion implemented into it which so many of today's 'blockbusters' (and I use the word loosely), lack. This being the decline of the 'star' and/or usually is, the main character, in this case, Sarge - played by none other than The Rock. In the movie, I hate to spoil it if you haven't seen it, Sarge is captured by the mutated creatures and slowly transforms into one itself. Not only this, but catches the ripe explosion of a grenade to the face, obliterating him and leaving the new protagonist (whoever the other marine is) the last man standing. The worst part was where it got really corny, which was during the fight sequence between the moderately consumed Sarge and the new protagonist, this rather lengthy battle was filled with some pretty bad special effects, unrealistic movement / enviroment damage, and your ever so humorous 'SEMPER-FI, MOTHER FUCKER.' DOOM had a constant flow until this sequence, thus it was my least favorite. The first person sequence was kind of neat, it was really corny, but neat. It reminded me of the old arcade style games where you held the gun and it moved your view around. The corny parts where the monster would look at you, his eyes get big, and he'd run away for his life caused for some laughs and was enjoyable, this sequence I don't think was all that meant to be 'scary' but moreso a comedic break for the movie. There was alot of 'flashing' of explosions and whatnot during the first person sequence, so be careful if you are sensitive to those sorts of things."

([PQ3]RogeR) "I found the movie very exciting. I really enjoyed the scene where Dr. Carmack turned into a zombie and staring attacking the others. The first person sequence scene was something I believe only gamers could really appreciate. I did enjoy it through especially when we got to see the chainsaw in action."

(WARLOCK) "It wasn't the greatest, but definitely worth watching. The best part of the movie was the first person scene in the end; all fps players will love it. I'd have to say the worst part about it was it was too short. The first person sequences were the sh*t!"

(Special) "It was good but not great, the best part was the last fight and the first person part of the movie. The worst part of the movie was well the fact that the movie wasn't really scary at all and the game DOOM is scary. The game scared me more than the movie."


If you are a fan of the Doom video game franchise, you will probably like this movie. If you were a fan of Resident Evil, you will probably like this movie. If you like being chased by super-human monsters with twenty four chromosomes, you will probably like this movie. Sure, it lacks a deep logical plot, but what movies geared at the 18-25 group don’t? You’re about as likely to watch this movie for plot as you are to play the Doom videogame for a plot. In other words, throw that idea out the window and prepare for lots of bullets. Strap yourself in, Mars is a long ride. The first person shots in the movie were also very nice. I look forward to the days that my FPS video games look as good as the movie.


Visit RoME's Review Guide for more information on how I come up with my scores.

The Movies Demo Launches

On Friday, Activision and Lionhead Studios announced the availability of a PC game demo for The Movies. Currently available at from the Lionhead website, PC gamers can download the official 285 MB demo which provides an in-depth introduction to the Story Mode, where players are guided through how to become the ultimate Hollywood movie mogul by building and managing all aspects of their own movie studio from talent and resources to research and development.

Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition Ships

DreamCatcher Games announced on Friday that Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition has shipped to retailers across North America. One of the best-selling RPGs in 2005, the Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition includes all of the latest updates as well as new quests, rare items to collect, spells, effects, monsters, areas to explore and amazing new heraldries and character customizations to take your RPG experience even deeper. The Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition comes packaged in a limited edition painted metal casing that is sure to look great on any collector’s shelf.

Star Wars: Empire at War Goes Gold

LucasArts is excited to announce that Star Wars: Empire at War has officially gone gold on PC and is scheduled to “command” its way onto store shelves on February 16, 2006. Star Wars: Empire at War puts the power to command an entire war for the Star Wars galaxy at your fingertips, with battles focused on action-packed combat rather than tedious resource gathering. Set a few years before the events of Episode IV A New Hope, LucasArts’ new PC game lets players wage war on ground and in space, as well as experience the creation of the Rebel Alliance, the strengthening of the Empire and the beginnings of the Galactic Civil War.


Jade Garden Invitational is COMPLETE!

The JG West Coast Invitational finally finished last night a little bit behind schedule but it was well worth the wait. After everything was said and done these were the top 5 West Coast players in the tourney:

Final Standings

1st - K9-Meta ( $200.00 )
2nd - K9-Nine ( $100.00 )
3rd - cK-Nomadic ( $85.00 )
4th - x6-Chaoticz ( $65.00 )
5th - K9-Warlock ( $40.00 )
6th - K9-immortal
7-8th - son!, K9-kapone

cambo, zeke, disso, xfoo

modus, infinite, RudNiK, Kojima

eJdge, Hand of Fury, neb, zarbin, jugallo, awol, andrew, karabas

My broadcast of the final match between meta and nine can be downloaded HERE.
All Broadcasts of the Jade Garden Invitational are available at this webpage.